Dive to the Heart- Rindo Version
Drawn for the NTWEWY Anniversary and to recreate the Dive to the Heart format from Kingdom Hearts. 
(Spoilers for Neo Twewy Week 3 and Ending)
'The world ends with you' 
a mini shot about the literal meaning of the name.
But in spite of it, now it feels like the end of the world—Eden, Wings
Sprite Edits
Tsugumi Dressed Out Edit
Rindo Jacket-less Edit 
Pre-Neo Rindo Edit
Pre-Neo Fret Edit
Concept Art Kanon
Concept Art Coco
Gatto Nero Rindo and Shoka
Hog Fang Fret
Shepherd House Nagi
Neo Pokemon Series
Sunny Day Neo Style
Neo Twewy What If Comic 
Pockey Twewy!
Rinfox AU
Neo Twewy Style Emulation
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